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Today, the jewellery industry is experiencing a major shift: synthetic diamonds, fair-trade gold and recycled silver are playing an increasingly crucial role. The challenge of traceability in the production line has never been so critical. At G-Silver, we have been dedicated to designing eco-friendly jewellery for many years. That's why we're eager to communicate transparently about our supply chain and our commitments.

Chain of Custody certification, a warranty of ethical production practices

Since 2005, the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) has been the reference organization guaranteeing good ethical, social and environmental practices from raw material sourcing to the store. RJC members are committed to respecting the Code of Practice (CoP).
The RJC also grants Chain of Custody (CoC) certification, guaranteeing the traceability of materials. This certification guarantees compliance with environmental, social, ethical and human rights standards. A new certification audit must be conducted once every three years, with intermediate surveillance audits. At G-Silver, we prioritize collaborating with CoC-certified refiners and suppliers. This means that we strive to ensure that every stage of our production process, from raw materials to finished product, is traceable. This guarantees the transparency of our communications. We have also initiated the process of acquiring RJC certification to reinforce our commitment to transparency.

Recycled silver: facing up
to the challenge of traceability

To date, there are no official regulations concerning recycled silver. With nearly 15 years of experience in the industry, our aim has been to work intelligently with raw materials. Our relationships with suppliers, mainly in Italy, are paramount, and we make regular visits to strengthen our collaboration. We have set up a system that gives us maximum visibility over our recycled silver. These partnerships enable us to measure our footprint and the percentage of recycled silver in our jewelry with the utmost precision. Today, we have met our target of 80% by 2023 and are aiming for 90% by 2024. We have also launched an upcycling pilot project, which consists of reusing chain offcuts directly in new creations, and which is currently ongoing with several clients

Being a responsible and positive company

At the heart of our DNA is smart thinking which takes into account environmental, human and societal factors. That's why, at G-Silver, we're convinced that our mission starts with ensuring the well-being of our employees, by implementing a CSR (Corporate social responsibility) policy that promotes good working conditions, notably with the introduction of a day that ends at 4:30pm for all employees. And our mission doesn't stop with our employees. The human aspect is at the heart of our concerns, and we have worked with Unapei (Association for an inclusive society) on jewelry-making workshops for people with mental or physical disabilities.
The traceability of materials, the conditions under which recycled silver is produced, our internal policy... all our activities are carried out with complete transparency. Our aim is to be a positive company that strengthens the bond of trust between customers and brands.