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Today, we have the chance to discuss with Johnny Walter who founded l’Académie des Metiers d’Art twelve years ago. Currently the school holds a central place in training courses, therefore it’s only natural that the opening of the Fashion Jewellery training course took place within l’Académie. Johnny Walter shares his enthusiasm for this new driving force in jewellery world.

What sort of student profiles have you received for the opening of the Fashion Jewellery training course?

We have received ten students with incredibly diverse profiles, ranging from people who already have an experience in jewellery-making to profiles in redevelopment coming from cross-functional backgrounds. We have also received different generations. Their common thread is creativity. Before they join the training course, we meet all our students through interviews. What counts the most for us is their thirst for creativity! So, there you have it, the common threads of our students: creativity and the desire to expand and experiment.

Be inspired by the diversity of profiles and overflowing creativity of fashion jewellery students at the Académie des Métiers d'Art

In your opinion, what is the major asset of this Fashion Jewellery course?

There are several! First, the quality of teaching with jewellery professionals such as Julie Sion. She is a jewellery creator who brings her professional expertise to the program. Our students learn techniques like soldering and metalsmithing, working with iron, brass, copper and bronze. Some materials, like copper, demand tedious work to be transformed.

Creation is the undeniable asset and what makes this program different from vocational degrees in jewellery-making. For example, our students have made a micro-collection from A to Z starting from waste (fragments of glass, etc.). This included research, design of the collection, search for suppliers, budget, and creation. We have even worked on some marketing tools. The school’s role is to allow each student to express his or her personal creativity and not just follow a trend.

Twelve years ago, you founded l’Académie des Métiers d’Art. As of today, what are the stakes of this training course?

The Fashion Jewellery training course opens the door to new possibilities of training both to allow professionals to continue their education but also especially to attract young talents. The jewellery sector is under high pressure, so we need to communicate to younger generations about the possibility of making their career in the Arts. We recently opened a Prépa Max (preparatory course) which allows students to test ceramic and clay molding as well. Companies are constantly searching for new talents! Within the Fashion Jewellery training course, we favour classes combined with work experience and our students are lucky to work inside the companies behind very attractive brands.

Discover the unique creations of our students, ranging from traditional jewelry to avant-garde pieces made from recycled materials, a true ode to innovation


What do you predict for the evolution of the jewellery sector twenty years from now?

It’s quite simple. In my opinion this will happen through an extensive simplification of design, both unisex and cross-generational jewellery. We already see it now, with men who wear bead necklaces, this trend will heighten. The notion of gender will fade, giving way to a generation that fusions styles and expression. On the other hand, more and more luxury brands or ready-to-wear trends are going to invest in jewellery which is an investment for the future. We also must expect a few surprises, brands from the 90’s or 2000’s which are making a come-back and that we will surely see at the forefront of the fashion scene. Creative perspectives and closer collaboration between fashion and jewellery, which is exactly what inaugurates the beginning for the Fashion Jewellery training course. 

Immerse yourself in the collaborative universe of the Academy of Arts and Crafts, where the fusion of fashion and jewelry redefines tomorrow's trends, promising a bright future for the industry