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Loyalty scheme

Your loyalty is rewarded with EXCLUSIVE PROMOTIONS . Each year you can benefit from a DISCOUNT calculated according to the total pre-discount amount, excluding taxes and shipping charges, of your invoices from January 1st to December 31st of the previous year. The more you accumulate, the higher your discount becomes the following year.

Become a G-FOLLOWER, G-FRIEND, G-FAN or G-LOVER and enjoy privileges dedicated to our best customers.

Find out if you belong to one of the 4 groups of the Loyalty Scheme and follow your discounts by logging into your account on the Loyalty Scheme page or by clicking on the coloured box next to your name on the top right hand side.


If the cumulative total of your invoices over the previous year exceeds 30.000 euros excluding taxes, you belong to the G-LOVER group and will receive a -20% on your orders during the year in progress.


If the cumulative total of your invoices over the previous year exceeds 20.000 euros excluding taxes, you belong to the G-FAN group and will receive a -15% on your orders during the year in progress.


If the cumulative total of your invoices over the previous year exceeds 10.000 euros excluding taxes, you belong to the G-FRIEND group and will receive a -10% on your orders during the year in progress.


If the cumulative total of your invoices over the previous year exceeds 5.000 euros excluding taxes, you belong to the G-FOLLOWER group and will receive a -7% on your orders during the year in progress.

Loyalty scheme discounts are not cumulative with the discounts indicated in Article 3 ‘Discounts’ of the GTCS and do not apply to customised products.